When you want to mask up and also look très chic.

Global and historical events like wars, recessions and pandemics shape fashion trends and consumer behaviour. And 2020 is no different — we’ve replaced jeans for PJ’s and bras for well, not wearing them. Whether we are WFH or running errands, this year (and probably the next) is all about comfort and utility when it comes to fashion. For the ones who believe in science a.k.a wearing a mask, but also want to make it fashion, the market is flooded with masks and accessories to help you achieve that.
The one thing you need but didn’t know you needed — a face mask chain. You read that right. If you’re travelling or you’re out and about, you will soon realise that there are times you need to take your mask off, but struggle to find a spot to place it without risking surface contamination. The solution? Face mask chains.
Tann-ed, a homegrown label founded in 2019 by Konpal Batra, Rakshit Singh and Ritika Gupta offers a variety of handcrafted face mask chains that are a perfect blend of utility and style. The versatility of its design and the materials used allows you to pair these mask chains with both informal and formal looks. Available in five colours — glacier white, hazy sage, pigeon grey, caramel cafe and my personal favourite — ink black, the mask chains are comfortable, lightweight and easy on the neck, and eyes. Who says #covidfashion has to be boring?
Text: Avani Purohit – @avanipurohit
Image courtesy: Tann-ed – @tanned_official