A fashion film that exposes the dystopian reality of consumerism and overconsumption.

Fashion film Loved Clothes Last is directed by Balthazar Klarwein, produced by Feel Films, starring Angelina Jesson in collaboration with Fashion Revolution. Its haunting narrative throws light on the effects of our compulsive need consume more. From unwanted clothes ending up in landfills to the consequences of mass production, this film ensures that you take a step back, and think about your next purchase.
“I approached Orsola from Fashion Revolution telling her I was desperate to shoot something for their platform. Mainly because I felt like I needed to rebalance my fashion karma, and do something meaningful for the environment. The idea was to create an anti commercial with a fashion-film visual language that would remind viewers to consume less. I wanted to step away from the more informative and educational type of films. As we were mainly speaking about the over consumption of clothes and the problems of fast fashion, it was extremely important for me to use a fashion model and not an actress. The great thing about this film is that we managed to create exactly what we wanted on a micro budget thanks to everyone lending themselves for the cause.” – Balthazar
Director: Balthazar Klarwein @balthazarklarwein
Production: Feel Films @feel_films
Model: Angelina Jesson @angelinajesson
Collaborators: Fashion Revolution @fash_rev