cM Spotlight: Visionary Female Directors In India

cM Spotlight: Visionary Female Directors In India

(Left to right): Kartiki Gonsalves, Sonam Nair, Vasudha Rungta

Vasudha Rungta

cM: How did your filmmaking journey begin? 

VR: After college, I entered the world of advertising production, where I fell in love with visual storytelling. I worked my way up from a Director’s Assistant to a Creative Producer, until the pandemic unleashed the director in me. 

cM: How do you turn song themes into a visual narrative?

VR: When directing a music video, I immerse myself in the song, letting it evoke emotions and imagery. Collaboration with the artist is crucial to infuse their personal connection into the story. Inspired by references without cliches, I develop a treatment note, storyboard, and shot list. Creating an “animatic,” a sample edit using references, helps visualise the video. Balancing the artists’ vision and my creative input is key.

cM: How do you navigate creative collaboration with artists?

VR: My role is to breathe life into an artist’s song and vision. Occasionally, artists deep dive into every detail, potentially encroaching on my creative space. In such cases, asserting my perspective, advocating for ideas, and providing solid reasoning are vital. Collaborating thrives on idea exchange, with the director steering while honouring the artist’s vision.

cM: Collaboration is vital in filmmaking. Have you faced challenges working mainly with male crews or collaborators? 

VR: I agree- collaboration is pivotal. I have faced challenges in asserting authority in a male-dominated advertising industry. Basic hierarchies often erode when I, as a female producer, get involved. For example, friendly addresses contrasted with more formal respect towards male counterparts. This dynamic, whether from notions of power or gender roles, sometimes lead to a diminished sense of respect. Crossing boundaries and assertiveness drains my creative energy. Fortunately, I’ve found equal footing with the working crew, like dress dadas, spot dadas, and light technicians. To navigate these situations, I’ve learned to stand firm, even amid negative reactions, prioritizing my value, self-respect and ideas. It ensures my voice is heard despite the challenges.  

cM: What advice do you offer aspiring music video directors? 

VR: Immerse yourself in music, film, art, culture, and literature to fuel your creativity. Keep creating, even in the face of limitations and doubters. If finances are tight, use your phone to shoot and share your ideas confidently. Collaborate with a supportive crew of ethical, passionate collaborators. In today’s AI-driven world, technology can inspire innovative music video concepts. 

cM: What themes do you hope to explore in future projects?

VR: I’m drawn to themes like social issues, the human psyche, and emotions like love, fear, hate and joy. Animation intrigues me as a storytelling tool. 

Interviewed by: Omna Dhawan

Edited by: Avani Purohit
