Explore Lunar Power: Beginner’s Guide with Woodstock Witch

Explore Lunar Power: Beginner’s Guide with Woodstock Witch

For centuries, the moon has captivated humanity’s imagination, serving as both a celestial wonder and a source of spiritual intrigue. Amidst the plethora of information available online regarding rituals to perform during new and full moons, it can be overwhelming to discern what truly resonates. That’s why we turned to Woodstock Witch, a seasoned tarot card reader, medium and healer, to offer insight for those embarking on the journey of harnessing lunar energy and its wisdom.

Understanding Lunar Cycles:

A simple thing to understand about the moon cycles is that new equals new beginnings, new opportunities – it’s a time to plant seeds. And full moons signify fruition, completion – significant cycles coming to an end. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the seeds you’re sowing on a new moon will come to fruition within the next 14 days. Look at it more like a 6-month cycle. So, for instance, the new moon that we’re going to have now is the new moon in Pisces. Six months from now, we will have the full moon in Pisces. So, whatever you’re working on right now will sort of come together towards the full moon.

Navigating Intense Emotions:

When it comes to our inner world of emotions, full moons act like a magnifying glass. Happiness can soar to ecstasy, while sadness can plunge into a whirlwind of pain, regret, anger, and disappointment. While some say feelings aren’t facts, amplified emotions often signal something vital for personal growth. Instead of reacting impulsively, consider responding thoughtfully. For instance, if anger resurfaces due to past triggers, take time to process. Engage in activities like journaling, meditation, or yoga to ground yourself. Find a healthy outlet, like exercise or nature, to release pent-up emotions. From a clearer perspective, you can address any unresolved issues with others, expressing your needs calmly and assertively.

Embracing Rituals:

When it comes to rituals, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Personally, I enjoy making offerings at my altar throughout the month. However, if you feel a strong connection to the full moon, here are a couple of suggestions: If you’re in the mood for manifestation, light some candles, offer flowers, or burn incense—whatever resonates with you intuitively. Remember, this is a deeply personal practice, so keep it simple and true to your sacred intentions. Treat the universe as your best friend; communicate your desires honestly and straightforwardly. You don’t need anything elaborate; just write down your intentions, light some candles, and take action.

If emotions become overwhelming, consider release rituals. Write down what’s weighing you down on a piece of paper and burn it to clear the residual energy from your aura. Alternatively, decluttering physical spaces can symbolize shedding old baggage and making room for new growth. For those who thrive in group settings, enjoy community, and value connection, the full moon is an excellent time to gather with your tribe. Sing, dance, celebrate together—happiness and joy are synonymous with the full moon, and collective rituals can amplify the energy. Come together to send out prayers for peace or simply celebrate the blessings life has bestowed upon you.

Image: Pixabay
