Music in the time of corona: Tracks that will help you get through the lockdown.

While it’s hard to keep track of days, we’re here to remind you that the weekend is upon us. As feelings of uncertainty, isolation, lockdowns and physical distancing become a part of our daily lives, music is a balm that regulates our mood and gives us a sense of belonging. Catch your favourite musicians, bands and artists perform live concerts from the comfort of your couch. Create a playlist you can listen to all day. Don’t have the time to make one? Sohail Arora, founder and managing partner of KRUNK, an artist management and events company based in Mumbai, India, has complied an exclusive quarantine playlist for currentMood. “This playlist features some of my favourite artists from the Indian independent music scene. It’s an easy listen, perfect for when you’re working from home, lounging around or tied up with household chores. This mix also represents my current state of mind; of highs, lows, confusion and chaos. Sending out some positive energy in these tough times. We’re gonna get through this!”
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Playlist complied by: Sohail Arora – @sohailarora